Ok, friends, I find Monday’s the hardest day to blog about. How am I supposed to share all of the joys of the weekend without boring my loyal readers?! There are so many things to sum up in one post! In a quest to find my blogging voice, I am going to use Monday’s to recap the top {five} parts of my weekend. So, here we go!
ComFest! Each year, Columbus has its annual Community Festival and it is pretty much a big, peace/love/hippie/beer festival! There are so many eclectic people that go and not to mention, delicious fair food (mmm, fair fries!). It’s held in Goodale Park which is right by our apartment so it’s pretty convenient for us to go (not too convenient for those who have to drive though, parking is horrible). I would say Comfest is enjoyable for many people, but I understand that it’s not all. It is definitely something to go to at least once if you are in the Columbus area.
Comfest’s two slogans would be:
{Live Everyday the Comfest Way}
{Party with a Purpose}
My babe and me
The boys
Megan and I didn't get a picture because we were shoving our faces enjoying some fair fries and pulled pork sandwiches.
Jason and I also picked up some goodies while we were there! I did not take pictures of the goods…blogger fail! But I got a super cute Ohio t-shirt (I’ll show that sometime soon), we grabbed some treats for Hannah and got some organic candles from “Candles with a Cause”. They smell DIVINE!
Megan and I participated in “Run with the Pack” event I talked about here. Megan summed up our experience so check her blog out to see pics and learn more about how we got involved with “Run with the Pack” and “Pets without Parents”.
Us and our pups!
Have I mentioned how much I love Columbus? Here are some pics from this weekend. This is part of the reason why I love this city so much.
I was a pool rat this weekend, was a rat for a few hours on Saturday and then was a rat once again yesterday.
One of the biggest complaints I have about our apartment is that we have to use a community laundry room. If you think trying to get the motivation to do laundry when you have a washer/dryer in your house is impossible, try getting the motivation when you have to walk outside, to a community area AND pay for your least favorite chore. It is just the worst. My motivation to do this chore comes when:
A. I run out of undies (tmi?)
B. when I stare at my closet full of those clothes that I never wear but can’t seem to get rid of. (you alllll know what I’m talkin’ about)
Aaaand the newest motivation….
C. our apt pool is RIGHT next to the laundry room. I get to lay-out AND get shiz done?! SCORE! Not too shabby of a chore anymore….until fall/winter/spring hit. Then the chore begins to suck again.
Love me some True Blood! HBO has sucked me into yet another show. I just started watching True Blood last year (I know, I know, late to jump on the bandwagon) but I am loving it! It’s crazy, suspenseful and my SVU man, Detective Stabler, joined the cast this year and let’s just says, I’m not hating it. Watching True Blood is a great way to end my weekend and prepare me for the upcoming week that will probably suck me dry of life (j/k, just had to add that vampirish pun in there).
Overall, it was a great weekend and I’m already looking forward to the next (Kenny Chesney/Tim McGraw concert, here I come!!)
What did you do this weekend?!