I'm loving...
that Buckeye football starts this Saturday! I am still super bummed and salty at the fact that my main man, Coach Jim Tressel, will not be on the sidelines but I am really looking forward to watching Luke Fickell win some games for our team! This is the first season I will be able to tailgate and enjoy watching the games but I will miss standing on the sidelines and being right next to the action! Go Bucks!!
I'm loving...
that life is starting to slow down a bit. For the past 6 months I have had something every. single. weekend. It has all been wonderful things filling up my time, like getting married, honeymooning, friend's weddings, ect. but I am ready for a weekend of nothing. That weekend won't come until mid-September but I am oh-so-ready for it!
I'm loving...
that I get to go back home for the weekend! My home is definitely here in Columbus but there is something about going back to my parent's house and enjoying some family time. And it doesn't hurt that the Canfield Fair is this weekend! It is definitely the biggest event in our town and I can't wait. I have never missed going to the fair and whether the hubby likes it or not, I will never miss it unless I am forced not to go. I'm ready for some fatty, greasy, delicious fair food mixed in with awkward run-ins with people from high school. Sounds like a good weekend to me!
and finally...
I'm loving...
that we could hear the Incubus concert from out back porch last night! We couldn't really make out what the words to the songs were but we could hear the music which was really cool! It made me love living downtown even more!
Happy Hump Day everyone!
I'm really jealous of where you're living. My place is great, and it IS downtown, but Short North has such great access to the action. Let's go to Spinelli's soon, Steph K included.